Any amount helps us achieve our goals

Your support makes a critical difference in the lives of women and children. Help us end homelessness for women and children in Louisville. Every dollar counts, please consider donating today!

Donation Items

Needed Items

We appreciate your support. Here is a list of items that we like to keep on hand for our guests. At this time, we are not accepting clothing.

Gently Used Items

We do not have storage space for large amounts of clothing. At this time we are not accepting clothing. We do like to keep emergency seasonal items on hand and will post updates when additional items are needed.

If you have nice business clothing to donate, please consider donating to Dress for Success. If you have clothing items you would like to donate we recommend the JCPS Clothing Assistance program, Goodwill, or Nearly New Shop. We refer guests to these locations for clothing.

We will send out an email when a need arises. If you are interested in being on our list please email us the size clothing you have available to 

Thank you for your support!