Services at UP
Services Our Providers Offer:
Assistance obtaining food stamps.
1st Mondays 9AM - 12PM
Family Health Centers Homeless Services
Assistance obtaining health insurance, WIC, and other benefits.
3rd Fridays 9:30AM - 12 PM
First step in the housing assistance process. See if you qualify for a supportive housing voucher.
Mondays 9 - 11 AM and Fridays 9AM - 12PM
Assistance finding housing after common assessment is completed.
Mondays: 11AM - 2 PM
Or call (502) 637-2080, Mon-Fri, 10AM - 3PM
Or visit at 1300 S. 4th Street #200; walk-ins accepted Tuesday-Friday, 10AM - 3PM
Housing help for clients with Passport Molina insurance.
Wednesdays: 9 AM - 12 PM
Housing assistance for veterans.
2nd Mondays: 9 AM - 12PM
Obtain legal advice and help.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays: 9:30AM - 11:30AM
Schedule varies
Schedule varies each week
4th Fridays
Services We Offer:
UP can assist with obtaining a KY ID & birth certificates from any state.
We have 1 shower available on a first come, first served basis.
Allotted time for showers: 15 minutes
Use UP’s address to receive mail:
425 S 2nd St. Suite 100, Louisville, KY 40202.
Mail left over 6 weeks will be returned to sender.
(UP’s #: 502-384-0001)
UP’s phone is available during shelter hours for use.
You may give our # for phone messages (please ask them to use your full name in message).
When calling, please use your full name & callback #.
Case Managers are available to discuss resources and offer support.
You may not have the same case manager every time, but we work as a team and keep case notes.
UP existing clients who have obtained and are staying in their own home are welcome to come to UP on Wednesdays. Housed clients who need to meet providers not present on Wednesday may be asked to wait outside until it is their time to meet with the specified provider.
We can only offer assistance with obtaining vital documents for clients in recovery programs.